Red Clouds, Turquoise Sky
Red Clouds, Turquoise Sky

Image Size: 51x51cm - Oil on box canvas. Framed in an off-white chunky solid wood frame: 76x76cm - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow


30cm diameter, oil and resin on board, presented in approx 50cm wide hand-finished frame, available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow, prints unavailable.

Together in Sunlight
Together in Sunlight

Image Size: 50x40cm - Oil on box canvas. Framed in an off-white chunky solid wood frame: 76x66cm - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow

Autumn Light, Mount's Bay
Autumn Light, Mount's Bay

40x40cm - Oil on board, float mounted under glass. Framed in an off-white, chunky solid wood frame 65x65cm total size, available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow.

In deep gratitude, a proportion of the proceeds from my original art sales will be donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust and Anthony Nolan - charities very close to my heart ❤️

Skyscape I
Skyscape I

40 x 40cm Oil on Linen, framed in 70 x 70 cm off-white tray frame - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow

Red Clouds, Turquoise Sky
Together in Sunlight
Autumn Light, Mount's Bay
Skyscape I
Red Clouds, Turquoise Sky

Image Size: 51x51cm - Oil on box canvas. Framed in an off-white chunky solid wood frame: 76x76cm - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow


30cm diameter, oil and resin on board, presented in approx 50cm wide hand-finished frame, available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow, prints unavailable.

Together in Sunlight

Image Size: 50x40cm - Oil on box canvas. Framed in an off-white chunky solid wood frame: 76x66cm - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow

Autumn Light, Mount's Bay

40x40cm - Oil on board, float mounted under glass. Framed in an off-white, chunky solid wood frame 65x65cm total size, available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow.

In deep gratitude, a proportion of the proceeds from my original art sales will be donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust and Anthony Nolan - charities very close to my heart ❤️

Skyscape I

40 x 40cm Oil on Linen, framed in 70 x 70 cm off-white tray frame - available via the Picture House Gallery, Padstow

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